Press Releases



SACRAMENTO, CA – Governor Newsom has signed Senate Bill 544, authored by State Senator John Laird (D – Santa Cruz), which updates the Bagley-Keene Act provisions for state boards and commissions. 

“Senate Bill 544 is a significant step forward in modernizing the Bagley-Keene Act to embrace the power of technology by fostering equity and enhancing public engagement, while also preserving public access to the decision-making process,” said Senator Laird.

Advocacy by State Sen. Laird Ensures Funding for Numerous Vital Projects



June 30, 2023

Contact: Justin Tran




CONTACT: Justin Tran, 


Contact: Richard Stapler


SACRAMENTO – Chair of the Senate Budget Subcommittee on Education Senator John Laird (D-Santa Cruz) released the following statement in response to Governor Gavin Newsom’s May Revision: 


SACRAMENTO — Senator John Laird (D - Santa Cruz) released the following statement in response to the State of California’s request for a Presidential Major Disaster Declaration: 

“I want to take this time to convey my thanks to Governor Newsom for his recent request of a Presidential Major Disaster Declaration in response to the extreme weather events that have hit the state, particularly in the 17th Senate District, disproportionately impacting communities in the Santa Cruz mountains, Pajaro, San Ardo, and Big Sur. 

SACRAMENTO – State Sen. John Laird (D-Santa Cruz) made the following statement today after the release of Gov. Gavin Newsom’s draft 2023-24 state budget:

“I would like to thank Gov. Newsom and his team for presenting a fiscally responsible draft budget for consideration by the State Legislature for the 2023-24 budget year. It was clear as 2022 drew to a close that there would be considerable pressure on future state spending due to declining tax receipts, so this is a welcome starting point.

SACRAMENTO – Senator John Laird (D – Santa Cruz) has introduced Senate Bill 38 with the intent to enact future legislation to enhance worker safety at battery storage facilities.