Senator Laird
John Laird was re-elected to the State Senate on November 5, 2024, carrying all four counties in the district which encompass Santa Cruz, San Benito, and Monterey Counties, as well as the majority of San Luis Obispo County.
In the State Senate, Laird chairs and serves on a broad array of committees: Chair, Senate Budget Subcommittee #1 (Education), Vice Chair, Joint Committee on Rules, Vice Chair, Joint Legislative Audit Committee, Member, Budget & Fiscal Review Committee, Member, Judiciary Committee, Member, Labor, Public Employment & Retirement, Member, Natural Resources & Water Committee, Member, Local Government Committee, Member, Rules Committee. During his first term in the Senate, Laird had 59 bills signed into law relating to environmental protection, sea level rise, increased access to healthcare, educational opportunity, sustainable agriculture, and electoral reform.
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