SACRAMENTO, CA – Governor Gavin Newsom announced the signing of Senate Bill 390 authored by Senator John Laird (D-Santa Cruz). Senate Bill 390 will require the Employment Development Department (EDD) to establish, and routinely revise...
SACRAMENTO, CA – Governor Newsom signed Senate Bill 456, authored by Senator John Laird (D – Santa Cruz). This bill will require the state to establish a long-term fire-prevention action plan to ensure statewide investments to combat fires are comprehensive, science-based, and utilize complementary partnerships.
SACRAMENTO, CA – Governor Newsom has announced the signing of Senate Bill 496, authored by Senator John Laird (D – Santa Cruz) to fund the Pajaro River Flood Risk Management Project.
SACRAMENTO, CA – Today, Senate Bill 456 passed the Senate with a bipartisan support. Senate Bill 456 will require the state to establish a long-term fire-prevention action plan to ensure statewide investments to combat fires are comprehensive, science-based, and utilize complementary partnerships.
SACRAMENTO, CA – Today, Governor Gavin Newsom announced the signing of Senate Bill 258, the HIV & Aging Act, authored by Senator John Laird (D – Santa Cruz). Senate Bill 258 will ensure HIV+ seniors are included in the definition of “greatest social need”.
SACRAMENTO, CA – Today, Governor Newsom signed Senate Bill 272, authored by State Senator John Laird (D – Santa Cruz). Senate Bill 272, Sponsored by Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara, will immediately update gender-specific references in various code sections to reflect gender-inclusive language. References pertaining to the CHP Commissioner, CALFIRE firefighters, insurance licensing, and California Conservation Corps members will now be gender neutral.