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Monterey-Salinas Transit’s embattled SURF! project is now riding a wave toward approval.

On Friday, July 26, when California Coastal Commission staff released a report regarding Monterey-Salinas Transit’s proposed SURF! busway from Marina to Sand City, the surf was looking down – the report said in no uncertain terms that the project was “not approvable” under the law, in this case, the Coastal Act.

Central to the concerns were the project’s expected impacts on environmentally sensitive dune habitat, notwithstanding that habitat being located in a derelict rail corridor.

On Saturday morning, July 27, State Sen. John Laird, D-Santa Cruz, called Carl Sedoryk, MST’s general manager. It was just after 9:30am, and Sedoryk, a second-degree black belt, was teaching a class at American Karate in Pacific Grove, a volunteer gig he’s done for the better part of the last decade.

Sedoryk took the call.

Find the full article here: Monterey-Salinas Transit's SURF! Project Nearing Approval | News |